Here is a pre-fall update!

So, since last May a lot has happened, as seems to be the case for me,

The idea of reforming the Hoodoo Brothers has hit a dead end and we have all decided it just isn’t feasible and that doing it would not really bear the fruits we anticipated. My personal thought was it was going to be too much work for my already busy schedule and that what we had could not be recreated, so why bother? So, officially the Hoodoo Brothers are done. I will look back on that time with fond memories as one of the best bands I have ever played with. Time to move on.

My buddy Jim West and I were scheduled to play the Kansas City Blues Society International Blues Challenge regional competition in August as a duo, but Jim’s wife ended up sick and I ended up enlisting my friend Kenny Retzlaff (he plays with Mike Babb & The Mix and is a badass guitarist and slide guitarist). We had one rehearsal and we played really well. But once again, we didn’t win, or even place. This was probably my last foray into the IBC world. We’ll see. I have issues with the inconsistencies in the judging and don’t feel like it is worth my efforts any longer.

However, on the bright side of things The Big Harry Band now has a permanent bassist who has got skills. Danl Blackwood has a incredible background and has got mad skills. Will be nice to finally have a permanent guy!

The Nic Olas Band is starting to make traction. That is promising to me. I have hosted the Topeka Blues Society jam twice now and have had very large crowds and LOTS of positive feedback. I have more dates setup and have a couple guys who recently filled in with me who are more than capable of filling in with me in a pinch! My regular band mates (Mickey Munoz and Steve Montgomery) are still the same and I’m hoping to get more shows lined up with them!

The Kaw Tunes is alive again. In early August we booked at show at The Tool Shed in east KC and after almost a year to the day since our last gig together, me, Mickey and Paul showed up and played like we had just played the week before. It was magical. It’s a long drive for Paul from St. Louis, but he has been willing and we give him a little extra for his trip. It’s fun playing with these two cats. We have a couple more shows scheduled (one in October and one in November so far) so be on the lookout for us!

Finally, I was asked to be the featured artist at Coyote Bill’s Wednesday night jam at Libations & Company in Lee’s Summit. What a cool place… upstairs decorated like a speakeasy! Harry came with me and we had a blast at the jam session. We made some influential new friends as well as had a blast getting to cut with some top notch musicians. Adam Hagerman of the band Levee Town who hosts the Sunday jam at Knuckleheads was drumming and invited Harry and I out to the jam sometime. So between connections and getting to cut loose it was a great night and well worth the drive!

Thanks everyone who reads my blog. I know I don’t update much, but I appreciate you if you take the time to learn what is going on in my world! I’m trying to keep busy and play as much as I can. Music is who I am so more to come I promise!!


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